Working area can affect your emotion and status. A comfortable working area will make you feel relax because it can reduce your working pressure. Everyone can benefit from having a functional workspace to tackle their to-do list, make headway on a creative project, or simply catch up on some reading.How to decor home office perfectly? This blog shows 5 important points when decor home office , read carefully and you will know what you should do and what you really need.
- You'll likely spend many hours in your home office,consider traffic flow and your ability to withstand distractions when you choose the location.
- The place must be large enough to accommodate your desk and chair, and ensure that you can use high-speed internet there.
- A window's natural light is ideal,views of restorative nature are just a turn away – giving you mental and visual breaks from your work.

- If you're in a windowless space, hang a pretty picture above the desk.
- Position your chair to face the door,if you have a heavily trafficked office, will prevent the distraction of your vigilance response.
2.Beautiful and functional furniture
- Furniture with inconsistent styles will affect the decoration effect,choose furniture that matches the style you want to decorate.
- A minimalist desk is enough as a workbench, suitable height and durable materials are the most important selection principles when choosing a desk.
- Comfort is key for workspace,invest more on your chair.A beautiful, ergonomically correct, comfortable seat is worth every dime.
3.Adequate lighting
Choose a location with some natural light and a view if possible. Position your desk to face the windows or in a location where your computer screen will not be affected.Make sure your office has plenty of light to cut down on eye strain and headaches.
Desk light can provide shadow-free task lighting and extra light in the evenings. Add some full spectrum daylight bulbs in your light fixtures for an extra boost.
Lamp Depot 's Dragonfly Balancing Lamp-Have fun seeing where you can perch the lamp around the house, and then return it to the included tree-shaped charging base when it's time to refuel.
4. Bookshelf with Storage
Make sure to include enough shelving, filing cabinets or cupboards for your storage needs. Place your inbox on or next to your desk. Keep your current work within arm’s reach. Locate your filing system nearby. Don’t forget reference materials – if you use manuals, catalogs or reference books, locate a shelf near your desk to keep them close at hand.
It's great that you can decide how you want your home office to look and feel.Think about what inspires you, it could be a piece of framed art or a picture of your daughter.Use them to decor your home office will motivates you to create and/or get the work done so you can get out of there.In addition,putting some green plants in your working area will brighten up your day.